Navigating Dosing in ADC Combination Therapy – Optimizing Dosage Selection Strategies to Strike the Safety/Efficacy Balance

Time: 1:00 pm
day: Pre-Conference Day


Join this workshop to gain comprehensive insights into optimizing dosing strategies for ADC combination therapies, and to unlock synergistic therapeutic outcomes whilst maintaining the safety/efficacy balance. Explore challenges, best practices, and future perspectives in designing, implementing, and translating different combination regimens into clinical practice for improved patient outcomes.

• Evaluating preclinical evidence and clinical data to identify synergistic combinations and optimal dosing regimens

• Assessing the impact of combination therapies on ADC pharmacokinetics, toxicity profiles, and therapeutic efficacy

• Optimizing dosing strategies for enhanced therapeutic outcomes

• Designing rational dosing regimens to maximize synergistic effects and minimize off-target toxicity in ADC combination therapies

• Leveraging pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modeling to predict optimal dosing schedules and exposure levels

• Addressing translational challenges in predicting drug-drug interactions, pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic relationships, and optimal dose selection for ADC combination therapies

• Designing robust clinical trial protocols to evaluate safety, efficacy, and tolerability of combination regimens
