Conference Day Two
Thursday, October 10, 2024

8:30 am Check In & Registration

9:25 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Evolving Preclinical & Translational Strategy With Novel Conjugates to Better Inform Dosing in the Clinic

9:30 am Discussing Key ADME Attributes Determining ADC Disposition & Conjugation Stability

  • Xiaogang (Sean) Han Director - Scientific, Drug Metabolism & Pharmacokinetics, Bristol Myers Squibb


  • Investigate impact of payload physico-chemical properties and site of conjugation on ADC disposition
  • Assess Maleimide-thiol conjugation stability
  • Review the impact of on-target off tissue and off-target uptake on toxicity

10:00 am Delving into DMPK Considerations for ADCs

  • Seema Kumar Senior Director - DMPK & Bioanalysis, Flagship Pioneering

10:30 am Morning Break & Speed Networking

11:30 am Understanding & Characterizing the Impacts Of High Drug-to-Antibody Ratio (DAR) on ADC Behaviour in the Early Development Phase

  • Douglas Leipold Director - Distinguished Scientific Researcher, Genentech

12:00 pm Roundtable Discussion: Incorporating Animal Data to Better Inform FIH Dosing in ADCs


  • Improving bioanalytical data from MS/in vivo studies to understand how an ADC will behave in humans
  • Designing studies to better inform dose prediction from in vivo models
  • Discussing examples of how to make animal models more predictive across different indications

1:00 pm Lunch

Exploring PK Modeling Insights to Better Predict Clinical Outcomes

2:00 pm Physiology Based Pharmacokinetic Models for Whole-Body Disposition of Antibody-Drug Conjugate


  • Understanding and predicting how conjugation to antibody can affect distribution of a drug
  • Utilizing PBPK models as a platform for translational and clinical investigations of ADCs
  • Discussing future directions for PBPK modeling for ADCs

2:30 pm PBPK Modeling & Simulation Predicts Low Drug-Drug Interaction Liability & No Significant Impact of Hepatic Impairment for An ADC With the Payload AF-HPA


  • Case study describing a PBPK modeling and simulation approach to predict the impact of drug-drug interactions (DDI) and hepatic impairment on clinical PK of an ADC with an auristatin-based payload (auristatin F-hydroxypropylamide [AF-HPA])
  • Model development and verification using a combination of in vitro, pre-clinical, and clinical ADME/PK data using mixed ‘bottom-up’ and ‘top-down’ approaches
  • Overview of model simulations to predict the liability of unconjugated AF-HPA as a victim or perpetrator of clinical DDI and to predict the impact of hepatic impairment on the exposure of unconjugated AF-HPA

3:00 pm Afternoon Break

Delving into Clinical Strategy to Set Up an ADC Study for Success

3:30 pm Utilizing Population Pharmacokinetic Analysis & Exposure-Response (ER) Analysis to Better Inform Dosing


  • Enhancing characterization of doses prior to registration trials to maximize the efficacy and safety of oncology drugs
  • Assess the impact of Covariates (Intrinsic and Extrinsic factors) on ADC exposure and on optimal dose
  • PopPK and Quantitative Medicine-based Optimal Dose and Schedule for ADCs and combinations

4:00 pm Preclinical Journey of anti-Claudin18.2 ADC for Effective Translation Into Clinical Pharmacokinetics

  • Zuzana Antosova Director - Bioanalysis & Pharmacokinetics, SOTIO Biotech a.s.


  • Introducing anti-Claudin18.2 ADC, preclinical studies, bioanalytical strategy and assay design for PK analysis
  • Utilizing preclinical pharmacology, toxicology and animal PK data to determine safe human starting dose
  • Reviewing clinical PK and correlation with human PK predictions

4:30 pm The Application of Modeling & Simulations to Support Late-Stage ADC Development

  • Mike Liao Pharmacology Team Lead, Global Clinical Pharmacology Lead & BD Diligence Evaluator, Genentech


  • Utilizing modeling and simulations to support ADC material comparability
  • Assessing ethnic comparability
  • Exploring indication expansion to allow wider patient access

5:00 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

5:10 pm End of the ADC Pharmacokinetics & Clinical Pharmacology Summit